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3 Reasons Why You Need An Expensive Coffee Maker

3 Reasons Why You Need An Expensive Coffee Maker

An expensive coffee maker is worth the price. Period. By expensive, we mean one that is SCA certified and costs between $200 to $300. If you want full flavor, amazing nuanced coffee notes, and the optimal brew temp, step up your coffee game. Here are three reasons why.

Expensive coffee maker

According to the SCA, the optimal brew temperature is 203 °F, which is just below where water boils (110 °F). Most cheaper coffee makers barely get that hot, and over time burn out.

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A larger brew head showers the ground coffee more evenly. This leads to better extraction which results in better flavor.

Expensive Coffee Maker

Bloom & Pulse. These expensive machines mimic the steps baristas take when making a pour over coffee. The bloom allows the CO2 in the coffee to degass, and the pulse brew adds layers of flavor.

Click on the image below to see the full list of SCA certified home coffee makers.

expensive coffee makers
Photo credit: Bigstock
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- June 23, 2022

Thanks sharing this article and help us information about this blog and wonderful information

- June 23, 2022

this is really amazing and helpful article on expensive coffee maker. thanks for sharing this amaizng article . this is really helpful that everypne would needs to know about these things.


- June 23, 2022

this is really amazing article on the best coffee maker machine. because it’s very important to choose the best coffee maker for the coffee lover.. thanks for sharing this amazing article on the coffee maker machines.

- June 23, 2022

this is really amamzing and helpful article. that is really important to know about these the expensive things. thnaks for sharing this article.


- June 23, 2022

this is really amazing and iformative article about the expensive coffee maker. thanks for sharing this wonderful article.

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