We’ve been roasting coffee in San Francisco since 1965 so we know a thing or two about how good coffee should taste. Our expertise is in darker roasts that have a very smooth finish and are never bitter.
Our Armenian heritage is something we are very proud of. We roast and prepare Armenian coffee, ground extra fine. What makes ours special are the high quality coffee beans that are hand-roasted six days a week.
We also offer fast and FREE shipping on orders of $45 or more. Experience what three generations of coffee roasting tastes like.
“Coffee is not just a business, it’s also part of our lineage.” – Hrag Kalebjian
about the family

My roasting roots began in Lebanon where my father owned a bakery and served coffee to the locals. Back then coffee wasn’t easily sourced, so you had to roast your own coffee if you wanted to drink it. As the business grew, my father pulled me out of school at the age of 12 to help him with the store. My job was to roast the coffee.
I moved to the United States in the early 70s and worked as a draftsman until I decided to leave and purchase my own business. We bought House Of Coffee in 1983 and have been personally hand-roasting coffee ever since.

When I was thirteen my father would drag me out of bed on Saturdays to help him with the store. I hated it! I wanted to watch Scooby Doo. I remember scooping pounds of coffee and packing them in clear colored bags for our wholesale accounts.
I was never interested in the business which is why I ended up working in corporate finance for almost ten years. My last stint was at AAA where I was a manager of Sales Operations. I loved my job but there was something missing. I realized there is something very special about a tradition that is passed down from one generation to another so I left and made the switch in July of 2013.