When you think of Thailand you don't normally associate it with coffee. In fact, when I'm out speaking with vendors they are shocked to find out that there are even coffee farms in Thailand. Two years ago we had the same reaction.
As with all new coffees my father began playing with different roasting styles, blind tasting the beans and sometimes asking customers to take samples home and give them an honest try. The initial feedback was very positive and in August of 2012 we purchased a couple hundred pounds to introduce to our customers. As the positive reviews kept coming in, we increased our orders and just last month we ordered over 1,000 pounds.

The coffee comes from a small village in Northern Thailand called Doi Chaang where there are over 8,000 members who take part in cultivating and producing the coffee. They have their own processing plants, drying facilities, and storage warehouses.
The coffee beans are certified organic, shade grown, and fair trade. No pesticides are used on the farm and the cultivation and processing of the beans is done in a way that is sustainable. Over the past decade the villagers have planted over 1 million trees to re-populate the forest with vegetation, wild life and provide natural shade.
Our Thailand Reserve Organic is one of the smoothest coffees I have tasted. My cupping notes indicate hints of caramel and chocolate. The aftertaste has a pleasant creamy finish with minimal acidity. Unlike some darker roasts that leave you feeling full, our Thailand is easy to drink cup after cup. If you want to experience a unique cup of coffee that not only tastes delicious but has a great story, this is it.