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Henry’s House Of Coffee

Finally, an easy way to measure your coffee

Finally, an easy way to measure your coffee

Measure your coffee in the most basic, yet effective way below. How many times have you tried to figure out how much coffee to use for your coffee maker? Everyone has an opinion, but this method is the best way to get the most flavor, and it's super simple.

1 Tablespoon For 1 "Cup"

Sounds so simple right? Except we need to define what a "cup" is. In the United States a cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces. In Japan a cup equals 6.7 fluid ounces, and in Canada it's 7.6 ounces!

To further the confusion, a coffee maker manufacturer "cup" ranges from 4-6 fluid ounces.

So you can imagine why your coffee isn't consistent, and may drive you crazy! Here's an easy way to measure coffee.

Here's a pro tip: Use your coffee maker as a guide. Just use the numbers on the side of your machine to represent a "cup."

measure coffee
Photo By: Kohl's

In this example, you would use 8 tablespoons to make 8 "cups" of coffee. That's it! No more scales, calculators or googling!

If the ratio we recommend seems a bit "light" you can always add more coffee, this is just a guide. Remember that coffee is as much art as it is science. So feel free to change the ratio if you like, at the end of the day you should enjoy the taste and not be bothered by rules.

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Kopi Coffee

- January 28, 2023

Oh, let’s hope this works! It works when I add water up to 4, thus it SHOULD also work when I add water up to 5. I tried filling a 1/4 cup and taking out 1 tbs. That fell short. Instead of needing to use 5 tablespoons, I was hoping it would work since it would get boring very quickly. Sigh. So be it. So let’s hope.Visit Now –


- February 01, 2022

Oooh fingers crossed this works! It does for when I’d put water up to 4, so, the same SHOULD work for 5. What I tried doing was fill a 1/4 cup and removing 1 tbs. That failed. I was hoping that’d work instead of having to do 5 tablespoons bc that’ll get old real quick. Sigh. Oh well. Here’s hoping.



- February 01, 2022

My method for brewing coffee with a Bunn, which uses 5 oz. as the “standard” cup of brew. Since my wife and I use a normal mug (12 oz. with about 1/2” left from the top) and I brew for three cups in the morning (12 oz. X 3 mugs worth = 36 oz. Then 36 total oz. / 5 oz. Bunn standard = 7 full scoops). Rounding to the nearest even number for total scoops is what I use. Eight scoops could be used for slightly stronger coffee.


- February 01, 2022

For a long time I Roasted raw coffee beans. Coffee is more complex than wine. There are about 950 flavoring molecules in freshly roasted coffee. After 7 days there are half that number. If you want the most flavorful coffee try the roasting experience. Drink recently roasted coffee. One can buy electric coffee roasters but there are also various merchants who sell freshly roasted coffee. Roasting at home is not difficult but it is a chore even though it only takes about 15 minutes. The raw beans are actually cheaper than roasted beans and can be stored for about a year.

To brew coffee use 2 tablespoons of ground coffee (the amount in a standard coffee scoop) per 6 fluid ounces of boiled water. This measurement yields a pretty strong brew. This proportion of water to coffee fully extracts the caffeine and flavoring molecules while minimizing the molecules that give a bitter taste. Adding too much water gives a bitter taste. Adding too much coffee only wastes coffee. Only so much can be extracted with a volume of boiled water. More can be extracted with steam, as in expresso, but that is another subject. If one prefers less strong coffee the standard brew can be diluted with plain boiled water. Don’t cut back on the amount off coffee per volume of water for brewing.

The basic equipments are a cone with a paper filter, or a French press. A feature of the paper filter is that it absorbs the coffee oils. The press simply pushes the grounds to the bottom of the coffee pot. Oils float to the surface. It is a matter of personal preference but I prefer filtered coffee because it has a ‘cleaner’ taste. If one suffers constipation the coffee oils can help with that.

Rob P-M

- February 01, 2022

I use one slightly rounded ‘coffee scoop’ (which is about 25.4 cc) for each 2 cups (~6 oz) of fine drip grind medium roast coffee made with a (Melitta) filter or a Braun electric coffee maker (no longer sold in US but still available in Germany) which uses a Melitta filter and heats the water to 192-196 degrees F). That gives a rich, but not overly strong coffee. If measuring the beans (rather than ground coffee) I typically make it a bit more rounded scoop. That’s worked for me since at least 1970.

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