Colombie Foncé - Biologique

Colombie Foncé - Biologique

Colombie Foncé - Biologique


The Kalebjian Family. Three generations of coffee roasting heritage.

Roasted & Shipped Fresh

All coffees are roasted and shipped by 8am PST Monday thru Friday with a roasted-on date.

$0.00 $19.00 Save %

Select the way you usually make your coffee

Type de mouture: Haricots
Taille du sac: 1 livre
  • 1 bag = 5% OFF
  • 2+ bags = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • 1+ bag = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Un incontournable pour les buveurs de café, la Colombie est un autre best-seller. Un excellent café pour commencer et à utiliser comme base pour votre palais. Il a une sensation en bouche très propre et douce.

Ce mélange communautaire traçable au profil régional dynamique provient d'une association appelée Grupo Asociativo El Bombo (ASOBOMBO). Ce groupe compte 230 membres possédant de petites exploitations agricoles dans la communauté d'El Bombo, dans la municipalité de Pitalito. Chaque producteur possède son propre micro-moulin où il récolte soigneusement les cerises, dépulpe, fermente, lave et sèche doucement le parchemin sur des plates-bandes surélevées.

Imaginez l'harmonie entre ces producteurs dans la gestion agricole et les pratiques post-récolte pour obtenir un mélange propre et cohérent. Mais aussi juste assez de différences d’une ferme à l’autre pour créer une riche complexité de saveurs.

Une société d'exportation appelée Mastercol fournit un soutien logistique crucial pour des choses comme l'entreposage et la mouture du café destiné à l'exportation vers le marché international. Cela fournit de meilleurs revenus à chacun pour réinvestir dans ses fermes et renforcer les moyens de subsistance de sa famille.

Certifié biologique par CCOF

  • Type de mouture Haricots
  • Taille du sac 1 livre
  • dimension 5 X 10 X 4 inch
The term 'Single Origin' is an industry term used to describe the traceability of coffee. Single origin beans come from one source and are never blended with other beans.