
ceylon black tea


$6.00 $6.00 Save 0%
  • 1 bag = 5% OFF
  • 2+ bags = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • 1+ bag = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Les premiers plants de thé du Sri Lanka ont été importés d’Inde dans les années 1840 et 1850 par l’Écossais James Taylor. Lorsque le fléau du café a anéanti l'industrie du café au Sri Lanka dans les années 1870, les planteurs de café et des hommes comme Sir Thomas Lipton ont commencé à acheter d'anciennes fermes de café pour planter du thé à la place. Le climat tropical chaud du Sri Lanka permet la production de thé toute l’année. Ces thés sont connus pour leur couleur rouge riche, leur corps doux et corsé et leurs saveurs épicées et acidulées. Sac de 4 onces

Préparation du thé

3g de thé 275g d'eau à 203°F 3 à 5 minutes d'infusion