Cafetière Chemex, 3 tasses

Chemex 3 Cup Coffeemaker

Cafetière Chemex, 3 tasses

$45.00 Save %
  • 1 bag = 5% OFF
  • 2+ bags = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • 1+ bag = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.


Préparez du café Chemex si vous souhaitez intensifier votre jeu de café. La Chemex est l’une des cafetières à verseur les plus populaires au monde. Avec sa conception simple, son faible entretien et la façon délicieuse dont il prépare le café, en font notre technique de préparation du café incontournable. Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous pendant que Hrag Kalebjian, copropriétaire de Henry's House Of Coffee, vous montre comment préparer du café dans une Chemex.

Si vous aimez vraiment le café ou si vous débutez, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Nous avons mis au point un package complet pour améliorer votre jeu de café. Nous avons choisi le Chemex comme méthode d’infusion préférée car ils préparent le café de style verseur le plus délicieux. En fait, nous utilisons le Chemex dans notre café.

Kit de démarrage Chemex

Cafetière Chemex

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Crédit photo : Bigstock