Filtres à café Chemex

Premium Chemex Coffee Filters
Chemex Coffee Filters

Filtres à café Chemex

$10.00 $14.00 Save -40%
Taille du filtre: Petit - Demi-Lune dépliée
  • 1 bag = 5% OFF
  • 2+ bags = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • 1+ bag = 5% OFF and FREE shipping
  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

  • For Canadian Customers, the discount will be 5% for any quantity and option.
  • Mix & match any coffee. Discount applied in cart.

Your first order will be charged when you checkout and will be shipped within two days.

All subsequent subscriptions are charged on the same day you signed up. If your initial purchase was on the 25th, your subsequent order will be charged on the 25th. We will also email you three days before to remind you, and you'll be able to make changes then.

Les filtres Chemex® sont 20 à 30 % plus lourds que les marques concurrentes et éliminent même les particules de sédiments les plus fines ainsi que les huiles et graisses indésirables. La formulation du filtre permet un temps d'infusion approprié en régulant le taux de filtration – ni trop lent, ni trop rapide. Une bonne infusion du marc de café (comme dans l'infusion et l'infusion du thé) donne au café une saveur plus riche tout en permettant une extraction fractionnée précise en filtrant les composants indésirables qui rendent le café amer en ne laissant filtrer que les éléments aromatiques souhaitables du grain de café. traverser.

Chaque paquet contient 100 filtres en papier.

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